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제 16 호 Management of Engineering Day

  • 작성일 2022-11-29
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 7342


Management of Engineering Day

By Seo-Won Hong, Reporter


  On November 3rd, 2022, Sangmyung University's “2022 Management of Engineering Day” event was held at the Hannuri Hall of Sangmyung University Cheonan Campus. The “2022 Management of Engineering Day” event became a time of communication with academic and industry experts and graduates as well as students from the Department of Business Engineering at Sangmyung University. The “2022 Management of Engineering Day” event was held to expand the major competencies of students from the Department of Business Engineering at Sangmyung University. In this article, I will introduce in detail various events held at the “2022 Management of Engineering Day” event. Through the “2022 Management of Engineering Day”, students from the Department of Business Engineering at Sangmyung University took a step forward in their major. In addition, I will introduce the value of the “2022 Management of Engineering Day” event by introducing interviews of students from the Department of Business Engineering at Sangmyung University who participated in the “2022 Management of Engineering Day” event and interviews with Ahn Beom-joon, head of the Department of Business Engineeringat Sangmyung University, which led to a successful hosting of the “2022 Management of Engineering Day” event.

텍스트, 사람, 그룹, 사람들이(가) 표시된 사진  자동 생성된 설명

“2022 Management Engineering Day” event, where various activities were held, including special lectures by invited experts and career lectures by graduates of the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University 

  The “2022 Management Engineering Day” event was held as a special lecture by invited experts, a career special lecture by graduates of the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University, and a communication session for business engineers. In a special lecture invited by experts at the “2022 Management Engineering Day” event, Seok-woo Song, head of the Department of Management Information Systems at Utah State University, gave a lecture under the theme of "Data Analysis Expert Course." At the “2022 Management Engineering Day” event, Mi-hee Kim, managing director of KIS Asset Assessment, also gave a lecture on Understanding the Bond Market. In addition, at the “2022 Management Engineering Day” event, Mi-hee Kim, executive director of KIS Asset Evaluation, who has continued industry-academic cooperation exchanges with Sangmyung University's Business Engineering Department, was awarded the Achievement Award. Graduates of the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University gave lectures to help students of the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University with their careers. At the “2022 Management Engineering Day” event, a graduate of the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University held the third career special lecture following the first and second special lectures held in October. In the first special lecture, a graduate of the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University, Hye-min Kim, a Business Engineering graduate of Sangmyung University, who is the manager of Digital Trinity's marketing solution headquarters, gave a lecture on “College Life to Get a Job at a Marketing Company.”

  The second special lecture on graduates was given by Kim Eun-kyo, a graduate of the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University, who belongs to the KIS Asset Evaluation Index Office, under the theme of “Acquiring a Certificate for Employment as an Evaluation Company.” Park Hyun-jin, a graduate of the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University from the Korea Asset Assessment and Marketing Office, participated in a career special lecture for students from the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University under the theme of “Marketing Market in the Financial Sector.”

Introduction of major in the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University and career after graduation

  In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University aims to produce professionals who can solve inefficiencies in manufacturing sites that industrial engineering has traditionally pursued and more efficiently solve management difficulties in finance, services, public institutions, and government systems. The Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University intensively teaches subjects such as marketing, production operation management, accounting, financial engineering, business science, and data science. So that students at SMU can have both management and engineering knowledge. Professors and researchers here are working to study, develop, and educate students on engineering methods that can solve various management-related problems related to finance, service, and production. In addition, they are doing their best to ensure that students from the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University have sufficient management engineering knowledge.

  Through this “2022 Management Engineering Day” event, the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University declared that it would seek ways to expand academic exchanges with Utah State University's Department of Management Information Systems. The Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University will also try new challenges in cooperation with various partnerships. The Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University continues to seek innovation through convergent high-tech industrial education. The possibility of endless development of the Department of Management Engineering at Sangmyung University is expected.

